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Assessing Your Contingent Workforce Risk Profile: The Ultimate Guide

CXC GlobalApril 22, 2023
CXC Global

As the demand for contingent workers increases, organisations are faced with new challenges and risks that are becoming ever more complex. Recently, we’ve seen companies exposed to severe risks including:

  • Engagement of workers under company structures without the adequate insurances, or compliance to other key requirements such as health and safety.
  • Contractors who have finished in the organisation still accessing client systems, leading to data security risks.
  • Companies engaging recruitment suppliers who, without their knowledge, were subcontracting the contingent workers through third party non-compliant providers (for example, Plutus Payroll).

To help organisations mitigate these risks, and navigate the complex world of contingent work, CXC has released a definitive guide for assessing your contingent workforce risk profile. Download your copy of the guide to see how your organisation can manage:

  • Background screening
  • Data security
  • Insurance
  • Health and safety
  • Compliance with the Fair Work Act
  • Payroll tax liability
  • Disengagement
  • Onboarding and offboarding

Being actively aware of the impact of these risks will enable your organisation to take critical steps before engaging contractors into your business.

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Na CXC, nosso objetivo é ajudá-lo a expandir seus negócios com soluções flexíveis e talentos terceirizados. Mas também entendemos que administrar uma força de trabalho contigente pode ser uma tarefa complicada, cara e demorada. Por meio de nossa solução MSP, podemos ajudá-lo a cumprir todas as suas necessidades de contratação, incluindo funcionários temporários, contratados independentes e Trabalhadores SOW. E se suas necessidades mudarem? Sem problemas. Somos flexíveis. Nossa solução é projetada para aumentar ou reduzir a escala para corresponder às necessidades de nossos clientes

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