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2023 Contingent workforce Salary benchmark guide | Australia

Salary Benchmark Report
CXC GlobalJuly 19, 2023
CXC Global

In the face of the looming uncertainty brought on by the impending recession, the 2023 Contingent Workforce Salary Benchmark Report delves deep into the factors that can influence contractor pay rates and hiring practices.

Through visibility of our entire contractor base across 300 Australian companies, this report is the most extensive overview of contractor pay rates in Australia.

This year’s report explores the effects of talent shortages on contractor compensation and the competitive landscape, while also examining the transformative impact of remote working on the contractor market, with a specific focus on contractors working in multiple international locations.

But that’s not all. Our report also looks closely at the emerging challenges of the modern workforce, namely artificial intelligence and data security risks. These defining themes will undoubtedly shape the year ahead and beyond. Savvy employers are already planning their workforce for significant disruptions.

The salary benchmarking report serves as your compass to navigate these unprecedented challenges. It empowers businesses to make informed decisions, optimise workforce planning, and reward essential talent. With this report in hand, you can confidently navigate the complexities of talent shortages in the new world of work.

Download our salary benchmarking guide today to gain valuable insights and stay ahead of the curve.

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Na CXC, nosso objetivo é ajudá-lo a expandir seus negócios com soluções flexíveis e talentos terceirizados. Mas também entendemos que administrar uma força de trabalho contigente pode ser uma tarefa complicada, cara e demorada. Por meio de nossa solução MSP, podemos ajudá-lo a cumprir todas as suas necessidades de contratação, incluindo funcionários temporários, contratados independentes e Trabalhadores SOW. E se suas necessidades mudarem? Sem problemas. Somos flexíveis. Nossa solução é projetada para aumentar ou reduzir a escala para corresponder às necessidades de nossos clientes

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