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What Is a CMO: Why Do You Need it and How Will a CMO Protect Your Organization?

Technology & Innovation
CXC Global2 min read
CXC GlobalApril 10, 2023
CXC GlobalCXC Global

With the expanded global utilization of contingent contractors by corporations for project, statement of work and the emerging gig economy, ensuring the fully compliant engagement of these contractors is a primary focus of many organizations. The risks of getting contractor classification wrong globally will open an organization up to further workforce classification audits.

What is a CMO, why do you need it and how will a CMO protect your organization?

A Contractor Management Organization “CMO” is an organization that manages all aspects of contractor and SOW engagement, compliance vetting, onboarding, payroll, tax and benefit administration, visa’s & work permits. A Global CMO provides compliant global engagement of contingent workforce wherever companies requires these resources to work.

CXC Global has been the leading Global CMO since 1992 with the most extensive geographic footprint (the largest single company owned) and our collective knowledge of world economics, trends & contingent workforce legislative frameworks to optimize our client relationships and strengthen our values to any organization. CXC Global’s solutions globally are focused on providing exceptional customer service to our clients and partners, we understand the importance of contractor care in the global workforce today.  CXC Global’s team of over 200 highly trained and expert staff across the globe is regularly updated on the ever changing global contractor landscape and local employment and self-employed standards. Most MSP, VMS, RPO and domestic USA payroll and compliance companies partner with CXC Global today.

CXC Contractor Management Outsourcing Service

CXC Comply our proprietary global contractor vetting and validation platform is the only technology of its type ensuring contractors anywhere in the world are properly classified as employees, independent / freelance or self-employed contractors prior to beginning assignments.

Why partner with a Global CMO like CXC Global

  • The rise of the contingent workforce – up to 40% of all workers by 2025 will be contingent.
  • Talent shortages and high cost of accessing in-demand talent drive the need to tap into talent anywhere, at any time, at the right cost.
  • Globalization drives the need for an agile and flexible workforce model that is geography agnostic and ‘change friendly’.
  • Technology advances mean that people can work from anywhere around the world and collaborate on projects with ease.
  • Governments and global legislative landscapes lag behind the needs of today’s organizations and today’s workers leaving them to navigate diverse and complex laws and regulations.
  • Current working partnerships with most MSP’s, VMS’s and RPO’s globally
  • Recognized by Staffing Industry Analyst (SIA) as a leading global provider in SIA’s 2013 and 2014 Global Independent Contractor Landscape Survey.

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About CXC

At CXC, we want to help you grow your business with flexible, contingent talent. But we also understand that managing a contingent workforce can be complicated, costly and time-consuming. Through our MSP solution, we can help you to fulfil all of your contingent hiring needs, including temp employees, independent contractors and SOW workers. And if your needs change? No problem. Our flexible solution is designed to scale up and down to match our clients’ requirements.

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