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EU Directive on Platform Workers [The Ultimate Guide]

With the increasing prevalence and growth of digital labor platforms, it is important for companies to understand and comply with the regulations outlined in the EU Directive to ensure fair treatment of platform workers and avoid potential legal consequences.


EU Directive on Platform Workers [The Ultimate Guide]

With the increasing prevalence and growth of digital labor platforms, it is important for companies to understand and comply with the regulations outlined in the EU Directive to ensure fair treatment of platform workers and avoid potential legal consequences.

What's inside?

This comprehensive guide aims to help you navigate the intricacies of the directive and its implications in a simple and easy to digest format:

What is it the EU Directive and why is it necessary?
Clarity on employment status
Transcparency of algorithmic management practices
Transparency and traceability from labour platforms
Legal certainty around collective bargaining agreements
EU Directive impact on stakeholders: platform workers, users and operators
Non-compliance consequences & sanctions for misclassifying workers
Common compliance challenges for businesses
How to ensure compliance and mitigate risk
Trusted expert interviews, webinars and curated podcast episodes on the topic
And much more...

Why this is a really "BIG DEAL"

Consequences for non- compliance may include fines, payment of back taxes and social security, and potential criminal charges.

Additionally, platforms found to have misclassified workers might face lawsuits from affected workers seeking compensation for lost wages and benefits. 

See a few examples below:

On-demand delivery app fined for breaching labour law in Spain

In Spain, the on-demand delivery platform Glovo was fined €79 million
for misclassifying workers as self-employed.

Ride-sharing platform (Uber) ordered to pay damages in France

In France, a court ordered ride-sharing platform Uber to pay approximately €17 million in damages and lost salaries to drivers misclassified as self-employed.

Domino's pizza worker misclassification case in Ireland

In Ireland, the Supreme Court is set to hear an appeal over the misclassification of delivery drivers working for Domino’s Pizza between 2010 and 2011.

We're here to help

Ensuring compliance with labour laws and regulations, especially in an international context, can be a daunting administrative and legal burden.

That’s where an experienced compliance partner like CXC comes in to assist you.

We got this, we got you. Reach out today!