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Enhanced Visibility, Compliance and Governance Controls for IT Consulting Company

Business & Professional Services
CXC Global2 min read
CXC GlobalApril 29, 2024
CXC Global
CXC Global

CXC’s broker solution has delivered enhanced visibility, compliance and governance controls to this IT consulting company.

CXC Global



In the Netherlands, the IT consulting company were looking for a Broker to support their External Resource (ER) non-PSL suppliers and provide supply-chain management along with referral ownership of identified resources by end clients.


CXC partnered with the IT consulting company as their Broker to deliver supply-chain management services to the Netherlands with the view to later take on both Belgium and Luxembourg, taking ownership of all non-preferred ER suppliers.


CXC’s broker solution delivered enhanced visibility, compliance and governance controls to the IT consulting company.

The company is a front-runner in technology services, digital transformation and consulting globally. The company handles a wide range of clients’ opportunities in cloud, digital technology and platform services and has a workforce of more than 350,000 in 50+ countries. By engaging closely at a local level and deploying expert teams, the company designs tailored solutions for both established and cutting-edge technologies, ensuring rapid and effective outcomes.


Business and Professional Services

Company Size



Paris, France

Founding Year


The Challenge

Initially, in the Netherlands, the IT consulting company were looking for a broker (or partner) to support their External Resource (ER) program for suppliers who aren’t on their preferred suppliers list, and provide supply chain management, along with referral ownership of identified resources by end clients and hiring managers. The view was to then incorporate the rest of the Benelux regions. This was required to help manage the IT consulting company’s risk by dealing with such high volumes of suppliers.


CXC partnered with the IT consulting company as their Broker to deliver supply-chain management services in the Netherlands to begin with, taking ownership of all non-preferred ER suppliers. This included liaising with all non-preferred suppliers, and carrying out the end-to-end onboarding process, reviewing the necessary compliance and obtaining the accurate signed agreements.

Later, this expanded to Belgium and Luxembourg to provide an External Resource (pre-ID) Solution which is where CXC would complete the full onboarding process for a previously identified candidate. In addition to this, the company contacted CXC to engage with self-employed freelancers in Poland under a similar arrangement.

Key Services we have provided to the company include:

  • Supplier engagement for un-preferred suppliers not on the client preferred suppliers list.
  • Dedicated services centre – a team in place to support supplier engagement and queries.
  • Compliance, contract and payroll management.
  • Streamlined onboarding process and dedicated resource to support suppliers and freelancers.
  • Welcome packs and training manuals to assist suppliers with invoice process.
  • Support for all new onboards, contract extensions, assignment revisions, rate increases and terminations.
  • Streamlined contracts process for both standard agreement and master agreement.
  • Risk mitigation with Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg legislation as appropriate.
  • Access to online portals, reducing manual processes.
  • Releasing open vacancies to suppliers who form part of the approved Vacancy Share programme preferred suppliers list and managing end-to-end with the company’s internal resource team.
  • Management of rebate requirements with suppliers twice yearly when the minimum supplier spend threshold (€50,000) has been exceeded.
  • Providing detailed KPI reports to the company’s management hierarchy.

Using the broker model arrangement, CXC manages the clients Vacancy Share Programme and onboarding of new suppliers. The Vacancy Share Programme is where roles are released to non-preferred suppliers due to the IT Consulting Company not being able to find a suitable candidate within their original preferred suppliers list.


CXC’s broker solution has delivered enhanced visibility, compliance and governance controls to the company:

  • Efficient process to engage new suppliers and freelancers.
  • Process embedded to onboard new candidate hires through existing non-preferred suppliers.
  • Streamlined and consolidated invoicing process and payment schedule for suppliers and freelancers.
  • Rebate Savings of €200k+ by including contract clauses within the supplier agreements.
  • Preferred Broker of Vacancy Share programme.
  • Increase in CVs submitted to the company and end customers.
  • Alternative payment terms offered.
  • Our process provided cost savings for the company when compared to previous broker of €350,000.

Contact us today to find out how CXC can provide your organisation with complete visibility, compliance and governance for your contractor workforce, similarly to this IT company.

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At CXC, we want to help you grow your business with flexible, contingent talent. But we also understand that managing a contingent workforce can be complicated, costly and time-consuming. Through our MSP solution, we can help you to fulfil all of your contingent hiring needs, including temp employees, independent contractors and SOW workers. And if your needs change? No problem. Our flexible solution is designed to scale up and down to match our clients’ requirements.

CXC Global